Consider a state space $\stateSpace$ as some nonempty subset of a finite-dimensional vectorspace $\vectorSpace$ with inner-product $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$ and subsequent norm $|\cdot|$. This state space may be equipped with a relative algebra $\stateAlgebra \subseteq \vectorAlgebra$, where $\vectorAlgebra$ is the Borel algebra induced by the topology from $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$. $$ \begin{gathered} \vectorAlgebra = \sigma\Big( \{ v' \in \vectorSpace : |v'-v| < \delta \} \;\big|\; \delta > 0, v \in \vectorSpace \Big) \\ \stateAlgebra = \big\{ A \cap \stateSpace | A \in \vectorAlgebra \big\} \end{gathered} $$ In the weakest form, a stochastic process taking values in $\stateSpace$ at times in the interval $[0,\TT]$ can be seen as a collection $\X = (\X_t)_{t\in[0,\TT]}$ of random variables $\X_t: \Omega \rightarrow \stateSpace$. Unpacking this statement, we are assuming $(\Omega, \Sigma, \Prb)$ is a probability space with $\Sigma$ rich enough to ensure variables $\X_{t_1}, \ldots, \X_{t_n}$ are jointly measurable. $$ \Big\{ \X_{t_1} \in A_1, \ldots, \X_{t_n} \in A_n \Big\} \in \Sigma, \quad t_1, \ldots, t_n \in [0, \TT], ~ A_1, \ldots, A_n \in \stateAlgebra $$ Explicitly, this is the same as declaring a product algebra $$ \stateAlgebra^n = \sigma\Big( A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n | A_1, \ldots, A_n \in \stateAlgebra \Big) $$ and insisting the product map $\X_{\underline t}=(\X_{t_1},\ldots, \X_{t_n}): \Omega \rightarrow \stateSpace^n$ is $\Sigma/\stateAlgebra^n$-measurable for each $\underline t = (t_1, \ldots, t_n) \in [0,\TT]^n$. We provide a proof for this, with the help of a lemma.
Lemma 0. Suppose $(\bbA, \scrA)$ and $(\bbB, \scrB)$ are measurable spaces with $\scrB = \sigma\calC$ for some collection of sets $\calC$. If a function $f: \bbA \rightarrow \bbB$ is such that $f^{-1}C \in \scrA$ for all $C \in \calC$, then $f$ is $\scrA/\scrB$ measurable.
Result 0. The joint measurability property of $\X_{t_1}, \ldots, \X_{t_n}$ for some $\underline t = (t_1, \ldots, t_n)$ is the same as $\Sigma/\stateAlgebra^n$-measurability of $\X_{\underline t}$.
Of course, we may equivalently view a stochastic process $\X$ as a random object which realizes paths, i.e. $\omega \mapsto (t \mapsto \X_t(\omega))$. In this case, the process $\X$ is seen as a map $\X: \Omega \rightarrow \stateSpace^{[0,\TT]}$ into the space $\stateSpace^{[0,\TT]}$ of paths $\pathVar: [0,\TT] \rightarrow \stateSpace$. The joint measurability property is then equivalent to declaring projection maps $\pi_{\underline t}: \stateSpace^{[0,\TT]} \rightarrow \stateSpace^n$, $$ \pi_{\underline t}(\pathVar) = \big(\pathVar(t_1),\ldots,\pathVar(t_n)\big), \quad \underline t = (t_1, \ldots, t_n) \in [0,\TT]^n $$ and insisting $\X$ is $\Sigma/\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$-measurable, where $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$ is the weak algebra induced by our projection maps. $$ \stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]} = \sigma\Big( \pi_{\underline t} \;\big|\; \underline t = (t_1, \ldots, t_n) \in [0,\TT]^n, n \in \bbN \Big) $$ Again, the proof of this is quite simple, with the help of a lemma.
Lemma 1. Suppose $(\bbA, \scrA)$ and $(\bbB, \scrB)$ are measurable spaces with $\scrB = \sigma\calM$ for some collection of maps $\calM$ of the form $g: \bbB \rightarrow \bbB_g$, where each $\bbB_g$ has some associated $\sigma$-algebra $\scrB_g$. If a function $f: \bbA \rightarrow \bbB$ is such that $g \circ f$ is $\scrA/\scrB_g$-measurable for all $g \in \calM$, then $f$ is $\scrA/\scrB$-measurable.
Result 1. The joint measurability property of $\X_{t_1}, \ldots, \X_{t_n}$ for all $\underline t = (t_1, \ldots, t_n)$ is the same as $\Sigma/\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$-measurability of $\X$
The perspective of $\X$ as a $\Sigma/\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$-measurable map allows us to explicitly formalize the distribution $\X_\#\Prb$ of the process $\X$, a measure on $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$. $$ \X_\#\Prb(A) \defeq \Prb(\X^{-1}(A)) = \Prb(\X \in A), \quad A \in \stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]} $$ Because $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$ is generated by the projection maps $\pi_{\underline t}$, a measure $\mu$ on $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$ is determined by how its pushforwards $(\pi_{\underline t})_\#\mu$ evaluate boxes. $$ (\pi_{\underline t})_\#\mu(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n) = \mu\big( \pi_{\underline t}^{-1}(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n) \big) $$
Result 2. Provided two measures $\mu, \nu$ on $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$, if $(\pi_{\underline t})_\#\mu = (\pi_{\underline t})_\#\nu$ for all vectors of times $\underline t$, then $\mu = \nu$.
In the context of $\X_\#\Prb$, this means that a the distribution of $\X$ is determined by its finite-dimensional distributions. $$ (\pi_{\underline t})_\#\X_\#\Prb(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n) = \Prb\big( \X_{t_1} \in A_1, \ldots, \X_{t_n} \in A_n \big) $$ In effect, this result acts as a dimensionality reduction: knowing the distribution of $\X$ only amounts to knowing that of each $\X_{\underline t}$. Note that the same is not true, knowing only the distribution of each marginal $\X_t$, $t \in [0,\TT]$.
Example. There exists a probability space $(\Omega, \Sigma, \Prb)$ equipped with stochastic processes $X$ and $Y$ such that there exists an event set $A \in \stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$ such that $$ \Prb(X \in A) \neq \Prb(Y \in A), $$ despite the following equality for all $t \in [0,\TT]$ and $B \in \stateAlgebra$. $$ \Prb(X_t \in B) = \Prb(Y_t \in B) $$
When tasked with constructing a stochastic process $\X$, we must provide a measure $\mu$ on $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$ to serve as the distribution. Of course, then $$(\Omega, \Sigma, \Prb, \X) = (\stateSpace^{[0,\TT]}, \stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}, \mu, \operatorname{identity})$$ serves as a suitable space. At first thought, proposing a family measures $(\mu_{\underline t})$ which are to be associated to the finite-dimensional distributions $\mu_{\underline t} = (\pi_{\underline t})_\#\mu$ seems sufficient in declaring $\mu$, but it is quickly apparent that these finite-dimensional distributions must be declared in a consistent fashion. Namely, if our family of finite-dimensional distribution proposals $(\mu_{\underline t})$ satisfies the following projection and symmetry properties, $$ \begin{aligned} \mu_{(t_1, \ldots, t_n, t_{n+1})}(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n \times \stateSpace) &= \mu_{(t_1, \ldots, t_n)}(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n) \\ \mu_{(t_{\gamma 1}, \ldots, t_{\gamma n})}(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n) &= \mu_{t_1, \ldots, t_n}(A_{\gamma^{-1}1} \times \ldots \times A_{\gamma^{-1}n}), &\quad \gamma \text{ a permutation} \end{aligned} $$ we may say that there exists some measure $\mu$ on $\stateAlgebra^{[0,\TT]}$ with finite-dimensional distributions $(\pi_{\underline t})_\#\mu = \mu_{\underline t}$. This is a result known as the Kolmogorov extension theorem[undefined].
In our earlier example, we defined measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ on $\scrR^{[0,\TT]}$ by declaring how they acted on preimages $\pi_{\underline t}^{-1} A$. Note that $\mu\pi_{\underline t}^{-1}A = (\pi_{\underline t})_\#\mu A$, so we were effectively defining the finite-dimensional distributions. It is easy to verify that each of our $\mu, \nu$ satisfied the consistency conditions of the Kolmogorov extension theorem, hence why they were well-defined.