
My name is Matthew Varble 🤠. I am a mathematics PhD student at UCSB researching probability theory. Broadly speaking, I am interested in stochastic processes and numerical analysis. There is just something about combining mathematics and software engineering!

This site serves as a blog for me to share things that interest me in both my academic and personal life. For instance, you might read about my two brother rats!


I will also likely talk about math/programming problems that excite me. Ideally, I will also write sequences of posts that build up an understanding of my favorite concepts in probability theory. To explore my site, either feel free to search on the titlebar, use the word map of tags I commonly use:

or simply look at the most recent posts!

You may also be interested in my GitHub account or a website of presentations I have given.

Whatever the case is, I hope you enjoy my site and we get to know one another!